If you would like to make contact with St Andrew’s church, please use the information below:-

Enquiries – Tel No: 07727 286905 or email: vicar@standrews-handsworth.org.uk

Church Halls Administration – Telephone: 0121 554 2437, Mobile: 07486 377719,
email: enquiriesstandrewsacc@gmail.com

Who’s Who

Vicar: Fr. Paskal Clement – 07727 286905
Assistant Priest:Fr. John Austen (Retired)
Church Warden:Shebina Gill – 07488366662
Church Halls Administration & Hiring InformationJohn Emmins
Telephone: 0121 554 2437, Mobile: 07486 377719,
Email – enquiriesstandrewsacc@gmail.com
Safeguarding: Contact the Vicar, Fr. Paskal Clement – 07727 286905
email: safeguarding@standrews-handsworth.org.uk
Director of Music:Steven Ely
Lay Readers:Carole Sami: 07447 889657
Alison Thorne
St Andrew’s PCC:Fr. Paskal Clement – Chairman
Richard Sohanta – Treasurer
Mary Bairstow- Safeguarding Officer
Steven Ely – Secretary
Alison Thorne
Chris Baker
Harrison Daniel
Rekha Daniel
Sheila Mpofu
Eileen Lawrence
Magazine Editor:Eileen Lawrence email: parishmagazine949@gmail.com